today was kewwll i slept over at carmzhouse yestardayyy so we woked up about 10 sumthing?
and sooo and eva jus randomally texted me lol
but yeeeepp it was really fun at last night was
so funni because carmz tried to make her
hair lyke this gurll and her hair became a
mess lmao xD it was funniii lol but yeeppp
we lyek ate popcorn and chocolateee
and we watched this movie it was flip
but it had sub-titles and it was goooddd
it was really gooodddd =D then we played volleyball
it was sooo funnn lol but then carmz locked me
out for a bit lol so i just lyke called sarah to talk too
lol xD buttt yeeeeeppp tat pretty muchh my sleeep
overrr lollll
my mom picked me up to go to church and
i had worship rightttt and it was pretty amazing
but my voice was a bit crackkyyy soo yeeeepppp
but i loved ittt cuz my favorited part in church is the worshippingg
itz so amazing itz jus such an amazing feeling worshippin
God and feeling is presence around u itz jus amazinggg
buttt yeeeeppp and then we did lyke sould food itz lyke
were we talk talk about the bible and stuff and today
we did y are devotions impornt and their were 5 points
-get closer to God
-it helps u in every day life
-teaches u how u should be
and two moree which i 4gottt yess im badd =(
but yeaa those r the 3 points well not exactlyyy i think
itz tat mayb not the exact words but u noe wat i meaannn
and yeaaa church was funn vilia and me were lyke pretendin
to go on a tough fight lol xD and randy totally purposely tripped me
lol but he said i jus walked overr his foottt riteee lol xD and also
we were lyke thowingg this hat aroundd... yea dont ask... andd
i alsoo keeptt teasingg dana lol about sumthinn n 0o0o00 lol
she noez wat im talkin abouttt butt yeeeeppp it was funnn
hmmm.... to think about it i love this church i lyke how
everyone so close and everythin but lyke all the calthioc
churches i go to it seemz tat no one barely noes anyonee not only
calthioc but i go to cathlioc skool and i hav cathlioc friends so i
go to mass at skool and my friends sumtimes bring me to their
church butt yeaa i pretty muchhh lovee this church lol hehehe....
in the van ride i was prettyy hyper lyke in half the ride and
then after david left me vilia and calvin were jus talkin about skool
and wat had lots of credits and wat u need to get into university
and how much credits is worth wat and scolarships and ib basically
lyke how u can get into uni and skooll soo yeeeppp then came back
homeee and watched my favoritee chinese showww w/ my favorite
actorrr eekk his so hott (ron ng) lol xD hahaha but yeeeepp i guess im a bit
fob on tat lol but yeeeepp it was prettty muchhh a funn daayyy
and here i am writing this all uppp and im doin my piano h/w
cuz i hav pianoo tomm in the morrniinnnggg soo tiringgg but w/e
piano getz u creditsss =D

majorrr azznn hottieeee<3 (ron ng)
_*Pce outtt<3
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