Wednesday, January 10, 2007

fun fun fun

today was a great dayy options were good
im so scared of goin to art now cuz soon we
hav to start the carvin thingg and itz really
sharp and the teacher told us wat happen
to some students and it wasnt pretty and
Michaela she was on the practice table
and acidently sliped and cut ur hand prettyyy deep
it was pouring out blood and everythin this was pretty
long time ago well not really but before x-mas break
but it was prettyyy gross and scaryy and now i
dont even want to start but yeaaa we had p.e today
and we had the wrestling test where show the moves
and me and steph i pretty much hav to say we totally
aced it lol xD (hopefully) the day was prettyyy muchh
awesome and in social class it was soo funn it was
a sub and man was she blind all the guyz were throwing
things around andrea and tomas were drawing on the board
me and ally kept erasing wat she rote and drew sorta
and me and andrea passed notes and everythin alex was listening
to his ipod i was textin it was WOW totally awesommmeee but
man was she blind or she didnt mind it or sumthin cuz she jus kept
writin but yeeeppp then after skool me amanda megan and ally
went to megan's house to work on our science project
and it was sooo funnn!!! me and amanda laughed soo hard
and ally and megan and the hot chocolate tat megan's
mom made 4 us wasss sooo gooddd lol i was lyke i love it
and manda said tatz awkward in a weird voice and i was laughin
and almost spit my hot chocolate on our poster lol then we started laughin
soo hhaaarrddd it was ridicoulis we laughed at everythin and
when ally mom came and said hi sweetie i thought ally said tat
to her mom and i was laughin so hard and so was everyone
also manda drew the lips and the chin and look sooo
hilarious cuz the guy was lookin really fat and me and
amanda was laughin soo hard i couldnt breathe or talk
cuz i was lyke tryin to tell ally but i was lyke aa aaa and i couldnt
stop laughin it was hilarious lol xD wow man then manda drove me
home and i had to get the extra key cuz my mom wasnt home or dad
so yea tat pretty much my amazinggg dayy<333
_*Pce outt<333