Wednesday, November 29, 2006

wresttlinng and grandma'z b-day

today was pretty awesome in the morning
we had l.a and it was libary so we didnt do anythin
and sci we did practicaly nuthin and in health we did
practicaly nuthin lol but yeep and then i went out 4 lunch
w/ erin nikita and sonia lol and was almost late 4 class =(
had to run lol and then we had math soc and l.a and we did
practically nuthin but in 2nd period taylor o was cryin
cuz mitch broke up w/ her =( which is really sad cuz i thought
they would be together 4 a reallyy long time scince they went soo
faarr w/ their relationship it was 2 months too
but yeep after skool it was the wrestlin tournament
it was really fun to watch and everythin lol mitch a, jesse, cameron, matthew
took off their shirts lol and this other gr 7ner lol but yeepp mitch a and jesse 4 me and
taylor think they pretty hot w/ out their shirtz lmao xD but yeeppp the gr 7ners
lost most of their games but then the gr 8 and 9's brought it bak to the game lol
and then taylor lyke asked this really cute guy from another skool if she could take
a pic of him lmao cuz he noticed taylor tryin to "secretly" take a pic of him lmao
but yeepp wrestlin was wickkeeddd! i wish i could hav stayed longer but it
was my grandma'z b-day so we went the this restarent at t&t in the ne to eat and
me and nathan hanged togetherrr maan his taller then me lol im shrinkin lol xD
im so short... hmm mayb itz cuz of the coffee i drink lol xD and his voice changed so
much lol xD but mann nathan... his pants r buggin me they r so high lol i guess im use
to all the guyz from my skool their pants lyke at the half of their butt so u can freakin
c their boxers lol this was the first time i told a guy to pull their pants down lol
i usually say omg pull ur freakin pants up lol xD but yeeepp it was really fun to hang
w/ him again =D today was a great dayy =D