Thursday, January 25, 2007

long day...

Today seemed like a long day.
Went to school as usual...lucky
highschoolers that don't have to go
to school(grrr). However, it
was quite fun, even though i wasn't
as loud as i am usually. Everyone
was pretty surprize when i was quiet
for science and l.a. But they
figured out i had sonia's mp3 though
my sleeve. Went out to church (where
they sell hot dogs) with tomas carmela jonathan
devin. Then tomas and jonathan ditched us to c
hannah breakin up w/ taylor g. Therefore, me
devin and carmela walked to the park near by
just haning around. After going back to school
we figured out that taylore g wasnt
at 7-11 but at the mall. Therefore everyone
was just crowding around waitin for it to "happen."
When taylor g came hana said "we need to talk"
taylor g said "yea i noe we should break up."
So he reversed it and broke up with her just
because he knew she was goin to. However, everyone
said that taylor g was pretty sad. Oh well... none
of my business. In social tomas was actin so stupid
he kept callin my name and after i said what, his says
why u lookin at me r u crazy i didnt yell ur name then sang that
song called crazy or sumthin. Weird....
After school i stayed behind and painted
some of my clock for shop. Then i had to go
to turtoring...That was soo LONG but it was fun.
4 hrs...
So now im back dead.
long day...
_*Pce out<3