Mhmm... Since last time I posted when I couldn't sleep, I realized I actually like writing these blogs. It really helps relieve your stress. Maybe, unlike last time I'll continue writing in these blogs. I've been going through some of my old blogs, and wow I could barely understand me. This wasn't even that long ago either. I wonder, if this even make sence. Probably, 2 years from now I'll look back at these posts and won't even understand them. I actually, don't even know what to write. I just wanted to write for some reason so whatever comes to my mind lol.I am such a procrastinator, it's horrible. I had 2 weeks to do a bunch of theory homework and I have done 2 questions! This is all due this saturday, I wonder if i will ever get out of the habit of putting everything last minute. It's not even piano homework, school homework, it is EVERYTHING. It's always later, later, later and I always have to cram everything in. It's actually a horrible habit to get. I don't even know how I'm going to finish all this homework before saturday. UGH. Oh well, I always make it work at the end some how. It's difficult but it always works.
mhmm.. Let's describe Priscilla = Loud, Hyper, Weird, Seems happy all the time, Talkative, Not shy. All those things, you would think I could talk to EVERYONE. In my opinion, one thing that is wrong with me that my dad has also brought up is, I never step up. I am always in my own bubble, never step out of my comfort zone. Yeah I'm loud, hyper, weird, etc. With everyone in my "comfort" zone. Once I'm out of my comfort zone, it is as if someone glued my lips together. I DO NOT TALK! My dad even noticed he always says, "Why can't you talk to the person first?" However, that is my personality. If you don't talk to me first, I ain't talking to you first. You can count on that. Also, if you are not in my "comfort" zone expect that I will be a mouse. For example I met 2 guys. My friends and I hanged out with them for 1 or 2 weeks, I WAS A MOUSE LITERALLY! They asked me if I was a mute, because all my friends were jumping everywhere, flirting like crazy! I'm just standing in the corner not talkin, I know it doesn't sound like me if you know me. However, I talked a litte bit more, and more, and more everytime we hanged out. Now that I know them pretty well, and they are in my "comfort" zone. I talk like crazy just like before. I just wish I wasn't like that, I want to step out of my "bubble." Or I will never learn new things, take risks, meet new people, take big steps that people take to succed in life. That is one thing I wanna change about my personality.
Another thing I would like to change about my personality, is that I was more upfront. I rather tell the person that is bugging me to their face. Not back-stabbing, it's stupid. One thing I promise myself to do is be straight forward with people, get out of my bubble, talk to the people that have a problem with me, try to fix things with people. Atleast you know you have done your part and you can't do anything about it if they don't accept it.