wresttlinng and grandma'z b-day
today was pretty awesome in the morning
we had l.a and it was libary so we didnt do anythin
and sci we did practicaly nuthin and in health we did
practicaly nuthin lol but yeep and then i went out 4 lunch
w/ erin nikita and sonia lol and was almost late 4 class =(
had to run lol and then we had math soc and l.a and we did
practically nuthin but in 2nd period taylor o was cryin
cuz mitch broke up w/ her =( which is really sad cuz i thought
they would be together 4 a reallyy long time scince they went soo
faarr w/ their relationship it was 2 months too
but yeep after skool it was the wrestlin tournament
it was really fun to watch and everythin lol mitch a, jesse, cameron, matthew
took off their shirts lol and this other gr 7ner lol but yeepp mitch a and jesse 4 me and
taylor think they pretty hot w/ out their shirtz lmao xD but yeeppp the gr 7ners
lost most of their games but then the gr 8 and 9's brought it bak to the game lol
and then taylor lyke asked this really cute guy from another skool if she could take
a pic of him lmao cuz he noticed taylor tryin to "secretly" take a pic of him lmao
but yeepp wrestlin was wickkeeddd! i wish i could hav stayed longer but it
was my grandma'z b-day so we went the this restarent at t&t in the ne to eat and
me and nathan hanged togetherrr maan his taller then me lol im shrinkin lol xD
im so short... hmm mayb itz cuz of the coffee i drink lol xD and his voice changed so
much lol xD but mann nathan... his pants r buggin me they r so high lol i guess im use
to all the guyz from my skool their pants lyke at the half of their butt so u can freakin
c their boxers lol this was the first time i told a guy to pull their pants down lol
i usually say omg pull ur freakin pants up lol xD but yeeepp it was really fun to hang
w/ him again =D today was a great dayy =D
today was pretty good =D had l.a option option
and yeeeppp drama was fun and so was artt
it was so cold outside so there was no one to go out to eat
w/ so i didnt eAt lunchh o well lol doesnt really matter
so it was a inside lunch so lotz of ppl were in the gym
and me, ellie,ally,kim,tina,jenna,carmela, and crisit played
volley ball and it was this type of game it was really fun
then we had soc sci math and we didnt really do anythin
in those periods soo yeeppp tat preety much my skool day
then me, carmz and nikita stayed and watch the gr 8 and 9 wrestling
practice again lol itz so funni but soo ronngg lol xD and it seemz really
painful and of course clint was there watchin and he hit me w/ a
ball then i hit him with the ball lol xD but yeepp itz soo funn
to hang w/ him lol xD soo yeeepp tat pretty much my boring day then
i wnet home at watch tv =D
_*Pce out<33
i'll alwayz remember this day<333
today was awesome in the morning we
had religion , p.e , math and social but in
math our whole class had to stay in 4 a couple mins
cuz we were talkin to much =( but then me and manda
went out to eat lol man itz freezin then we met up w/ taylor o
and alana i was so cold i didnt even get anythin to eat i jus
got french vinalla and then we met up w/ mitchell's, clinton, richi,
and taylor g, jesse annd jenna, brandie and andreaa man it was
freezzinnngg my legs were burnin inside my jeans
i couldnt feel i thingg but it was fun i gave the rest of my
coffee to jesse lol but apparently he threw it after xD
but yeeeppp then we had sci and l.a and sci we didnt do anythin
really in l.a omg i had the biggest laugh attack i couldnt
stop laughin when i was suppose to read my paragraph i couldnt
i was laughin my head off the whole class i couldnt even stop in sci
i was lyke shiverin man i laugh so hard i couldnt breathe and my stomache
was killin me lol xD i dont noe y i was laughin so hard o and in social omg
cameron fell out of his desk tat was hilioraus but the funni part was eric'z laugh lol
omg it was soo funniiii lol xD after skool me, carmz, nikita and her lil sis hahaha
it was soo funnn we were watchin wrestlin and clinton was there man
me and clinton kept lyke puttin this hand thing on each other he got my hairr yuck
but yeaa he runs so fast his lyke a spider he was climbin the walls
lol but it was soo lol xD and when i was runnin after him i lyke tripped over these backpacks lol
infront of the wrestlin team yea imbarassing but w/e lol xD it was funn never
gonna 4get this moment lol XD and carmz totally took picz of mitch a and jesse w/ my phone
nc pic tho lol xD and apparently me and carmz lykes mitch a boxers dont ask lol xD
yea but after skool was soo fun then me and carmz went to the mall and we ate cuz we
didnt eat at lunch and guess who i saww michael grrrrrrrrrr i cant believe his still workin there
i dont noe y but he makes me so grrrrr but yeepp tat pretty much my dayyy and it
was awesommmeee
sicckk stilll=(
today was boring since im still sicckkk :(
my throut is killin me and my waist and back and my
head... yea i dont noe watz rong w/ me my mom said
if i dont get better i hav to go to the doctorsss eeeekkk
i hate doctors they scare me lol.... everyone is mostly scared
of dentists but i dont even care about dentists im terrified
of the doctors lol but yeaaa i didnt go to church unfortanetly
and piano and i cant go to my happy grandma b-day dinner but
im goin on wed cuz this dinner is w/ lyke all this ppl from my dad side
but my dad and mom isnt included... yea big family thin past blah blah blah
but yeeepp so im jus doin wat sick ppl do sleep eat drink these chinese healthy things
tv comp yeepp pretty much wat i call a borinnggg dayy =(
sickkk dayyy
yesterday was a great day skool was fun
and everythin and i went to the mall
w/ nikita and sonia and saw michaell
grrrrrr!!! he makes me soo mad but yea....
and at church it was fun the gurlz movie wasnt workin so we
played video games w/ the guyz lol but yeaa
i got really tired and got a big headache and my stomache was killin
me and the van ride bak home i was so cold evene tho i wore
a jacket sweater and everythin and the heat was up and
everythin i was still shivering.... lol
but yeepp
so this morning i didnt go to piano cuz i feeel
so gross and sick and blaahhh so i slept in woke up ate watch tv
most of the time slept yea do stuff when u sick but now
i went to the comp to do some hw and stuff chatter up
and i feel lyke barfin yes i noe tmi lol but w/eee
sick to my stomache hope i feel better tomm....
note to self: where jacket when goin to skool in the morn while u wait 4 the bus
_*Pce out<33
relaxing dayy<333
today was good =D my mom and dad
r ok now which is goodd =D today we had cts all
morning omgg we had to use those saw things and
everythin i wass sooo scared i seriously couldnt
breathe... lol but i came out fine but my squiarl lookz
sooo ugly lol.... i suck at shop lol xD ehhh i'll try my best
then i went out to lunch w/ taylor o, aly,manda,carmz,kelsey,tomas,
alex i think tat all o w8 and jonathan but yeep it was pretty sweet
and in the afternoon we had math soc and l.a math we didnt do anythin and
also in soc and l.a tooo so it was preettyy much an relaxin day
then i came home rested 4 awhile watch sum t.v and went to the
mall w/ my mom to buy my b-lated b-day gift lol cuz i was alwayz to
lazy to go shoppin lol but today my mom dragged me to the mall
cuz i hate the mall so much lol but yeep i got a j.linderberg pullover and
shirt and fcuk =D im sooo happy lol <3333 then i came back home watched
my favorite movie revoling sumthin lol w/ the hottest actor ever
ron ngg<3333 ekkk lol xD but yeepp o btw i hate tat gurl chole in tat movie
grr lol and her stupid fatherr but yeeeeppp =D i already watch the whole thin
again but it wouldnt hurt to watch it again lol but yepp today was pretty much a relaxin
dayyy and it was amazing now im jus thinkin about wat to do w/ my nex.... lol
but yeeeppp<33
_*Pce out<333
today was great everythin went okkk =D
but until now my mom and dad jus came home
i noe my dad has been mad at my mom all day
and when my mom and dad came home i heard my mom cryin in
the bathroom.... what am i goin do? go up? stay down here and not get
included? i hate these nights.... i get so scared i hate it
i hate it i hate it i feel so useless i cant even go up and
help my mom too scared.... my friends told me jus to ignore
it cuz they been thro this.... im so scared.... fights, crying, yelling, breakin things,
hittin things..... what am i goin do all i can think about rite
now is to pray to God ask him to help me and tatz wat im gonna do
but so scared... scared sumthin might happen last time my dad jus
ran off i feel... i feel so ugghhh i hate our family lyke this my dad is
so violent so hot temper... way more then me and it scares me
he can bbe funni at times but when his lyke this... i noe this is
a bad thing to represent him but seriously sumtimes his lyke a
devil a mad devil .... it really scares mee.... -sigh- i hope everythin is
gonna be alriteee....prayy to Godd<33
_*Pce out<33
i miss gr 7 =(
today skool was pretty awesomee
everythin the same nuthin happened yett
lol but yeepp it was pretty cool didnt really
do much today soo yeep went out 4 lunch w/ jenna
emily manda and carmz tat was prettyy sweet 1st time
4 lyke ever did carmz went out 4 lunch again xD but yeeepp
tat is much it in skool lol xD nuthin excitied really happen todayy
but yeeepp
i cam home watch t.v and went on the computer
i was checkin all the pictures from last yr in gr 7 lyke wow
i miss it soo muchh honestly i wish i could jus turn back in timee
gr 7 was awesomeee i remember all the fun times all the memories in
gr 7 there wasnt really a group everyone hanged w/ almost everyone
it was jus one big group everyone didnt really noe each other it was
a freash beginning no one hates u no one lykes u i miss it soo muchhh
i hate how this yr everyone is in groupz this yr i hate how some ppl
r gettin further from their close friends last yr i jus seriouslly hate it
i think gr 8 is goin be the worst yr ever im not kiddin it suckz
and do u noe wat i hate the most my h/r im not kiddin i hate it well
hate is a strong word mayb dislike but yeaa i really dont lyke it no one
in my class tat r my friends lyke yea there are but we aint tight they hav
other tight friends in that class and i dont hang w/ any of them except 4 manda
but she usually hangs w/ alision and megan and everythin so yea r class even has
groups in it isnt tat lame all my close friends tat i hang w/ aint in my class i miss
my last h/r im not kiddin last yr my h/r was awesome i loved my h/r last yr r class
was the laughin stock it was soo exciting and we alwayz pass notes and talk and everythin
yes i noe tatz bad but tatz the fun of it now in our class we do nuthin mayb a couple ppl
but it'z jus boring in our class yes we may hav 3 attention seekers so wat? yea our class
is sorta funni but so wat? i hav no friends in tat class im not kiddin i freakin feel lyke a loner
in my class i seriously hate it i hate how im not in mr.vinelle's class or ms.williams or ms.mase o lyke y did i hav to be assigned in this class? y did i hav to be assigned in the class that i have no
real close friends in? im sry i noe ppl hav told me to lighten up who is in my h/r and say this is a great h/r but i aint them they hav really close friends in tat h/r i dont most my close friends r in all those 3 y did i get into this class? -sigh- itz not totally aful but i seriously wish atleast one of my close friends were in my class =( but yeaaa the point is i miss gr 7 i miss my gr 7 h/r o and do u noe wat i miss the most were me, carmz,ashton,andrew and sumtimes lindsay how we alwayz hanged in tat one pplace in the morning and more ppl come and itz lyke a big crew wow i miss tat the most well mayb 2nd most the 1st is how i grew far apart from some ppl and tat really makes me sad i wish it was still last yr....
_*Pce outt<333
awesome to totally horribblee dayy and confusing
today started awesomeee
i had options all morning and
l.a and l.a we did nuthin lol and
we had dpa half of the class which
was awesomee and art was soo sweet
and in drama i heard sum newss and everythin
and hearin sumone callin sumone else sumthin
really rude and i got prettyy mad cuz tat sumone
was my friend and that other sumone is new
lyke who sayz tat when their neww??? but w/ee
and drama we watch this really creppy mine
show but yeaaa...... tat was the good part
it all started after lunch everyone was talkin
about the new gurl how she totally was being mean
to the other person riteee and then at the end of lunch
they were friends again tatz good but then the horrible
part was tat she said that she was never mad at her??
lyke grrr she even said tat well atleast she really acted lyke
it and then she sayz tat im a rumor spreader or a gossip queen blah blah blah lbah
but i didnt make tat up even other ppl were there i hav witnesses but still
how about everyone starts hatin me cuz they wont believe me??? i was jus trying
to help herr i jus got really mad tat the new gurl said tat and lykee i didnt tell everyone
jus sum ppl lyke only britt erin and tomas and then tomas told jenna maggie kelsey most of
the popular ppl and then the other ppl already noe who was in the bus but still
yea i was really confused wat was happening and wat would happen to me?
lykee how about everyone starts hatin me i already noe sum ppl do and everythin
but still i dont lyke ppl hatin me and everythin but i cant jus think tat she never
told mee lyke basically lotz of ppl were there blah blah blahhh mayb im
jus tat talkin type mayb i should jus die in a hole.... but yea im jus goin 4get this
whole thinn and wait 4 tomm mayb everyone would jus get over it but i noe
some ppl r still pissed at the new gurl i am still lyke tatz the rudest thin
to say.... but yeaaa then after skool me and nikita hanged out at her bus stop
and acted lyke idiots lol it was pretty fun lol xD hahahaha but yeeppppp
grr.... im still confuseddd and soo scareddd and feell lyke crap i mean total crap
but yeeaa.... i'll get over ittt
_*Pce outt<33
i woked up at 8:30 got ready for church
had the x-mas talk thin we talked how we goin
do thinggzzz i guess im ok w/ maryy lyke w/e
itz not lyke itz true or anythin
it will be very uncomfortable and awkward tho...
but w/e jus get this over w/ itz about the birth
of Jesus not whoes goin get the main role
blah blah blah but yeeepp and then we had service
the speaker was prettyy gooodd but he was a bit fast and
repeated words everyone makes mistakes and getz
nevous but he was really good and funni after
service me and tanya hanged and talked and i got a bun
and bbt lol xD this guy asked us sumthin and it was
scaryyy well i thought it was cuz tanya left rite after
lol and he was still askin so i was all by myself w/ this guy askin me
sumthin and he looked a bit scary but yeaa but then i went into dragon
so yeeepp it was prettyyy fun tanya lettin all her emotions out
lol but yeeaaaa then my dad picked me up and went home i did
some of my piano hw before goin to therory lesson adn then i ate
and watched kim possible lol xD but yeaa went and had therory lesson
and it went thro pretty fast and i saw lousies dog dont noe how to
spell her name (the puupy) but she sooo cuutteeee and cuddlyyyy heer tounge
is soo long itz pretty funni lol then my dad picked me up and he drove me
back home while he goes to his businness and fix stuff up and everythin
but yeeepp tat pretty much my day pretty boringgg butt heyy
atleast i did sumthinn ritee =D
o w8 and then i bugged dana about yeaa lol xD and talked
about ron ng and how im so obessed w/ him and im
a total stalker cuz i noe everythin lol xD but yeeep
and i was tired all dayyy todaayyy =(
tat alll
_*Pce outt<3333
so today i had piano but yea i couldnt wakee upp
which was bad cuz i was late 4 pianooo =(
but yeaa piano was okk i guess after piano i went back home jus
watched some t.v and my cuzin called and said she
commin to calgary and if i could take care of her
puppy gucci cuz she needs to go to her friendz b-day parttyy
and of course i said yess cuz i lovee puppiesss<3
but yeeepp so i jus waited for her watched teen choice award
and so u think u can dance and she came lyke in the middle of tat showw
and she brought gucci over she was hard to handle cuz she missed my cuzin
anita but yea i gave her treats tried to play w/ her and gave her a walk
and stuff so yeeepp it was prettty fun playin w/ gucci she still here but i need
a break for doin my h.w and my dad jus came back so he takin care of her now
and keepin a eye on her sortaa lol but yeeepp anddd soon i hav to walk gucci
outsidee for her "businnesss" lol butt yeepp tat pretty much my daayyy
_*Pce outt<33
today was kewwll i slept over at carmz
house yestardayyy so we woked up about 10 sumthing?
and sooo and eva jus randomally texted me lol
but yeeeepp it was really fun at last night was
so funni because carmz tried to make her
hair lyke this gurll and her hair became a
mess lmao xD it was funniii lol but yeeppp
we lyek ate popcorn and chocolateee
and we watched this movie it was flip
but it had sub-titles and it was goooddd
it was really gooodddd =D then we played volleyball
it was sooo funnn lol but then carmz locked me
out for a bit lol so i just lyke called sarah to talk too
lol xD buttt yeeeeeppp tat pretty muchh my sleeep
overrr lollll
my mom picked me up to go to church and
i had worship rightttt and it was pretty amazing
but my voice was a bit crackkyyy soo yeeeepppp
but i loved ittt cuz my favorited part in church is the worshippingg
itz so amazing itz jus such an amazing feeling worshippin
God and feeling is presence around u itz jus amazinggg
buttt yeeeeppp and then we did lyke sould food itz lyke
were we talk talk about the bible and stuff and today
we did y are devotions impornt and their were 5 points
-get closer to God
-it helps u in every day life
-teaches u how u should be
and two moree which i 4gottt yess im badd =(
but yeaa those r the 3 points well not exactlyyy i think
itz tat mayb not the exact words but u noe wat i meaannn
and yeaaa church was funn vilia and me were lyke pretendin
to go on a tough fight lol xD and randy totally purposely tripped me
lol but he said i jus walked overr his foottt riteee lol xD and also
we were lyke thowingg this hat aroundd... yea dont ask... andd
i alsoo keeptt teasingg dana lol about sumthinn n 0o0o00 lol
she noez wat im talkin abouttt butt yeeeeppp it was funnn
hmmm.... to think about it i love this church i lyke how
everyone so close and everythin but lyke all the calthioc
churches i go to it seemz tat no one barely noes anyonee not only
calthioc but i go to cathlioc skool and i hav cathlioc friends so i
go to mass at skool and my friends sumtimes bring me to their
church butt yeaa i pretty muchhh lovee this church lol hehehe....
in the van ride i was prettyy hyper lyke in half the ride and
then after david left me vilia and calvin were jus talkin about skool
and wat had lots of credits and wat u need to get into university
and how much credits is worth wat and scolarships and ib basically
lyke how u can get into uni and skooll soo yeeeppp then came back
homeee and watched my favoritee chinese showww w/ my favorite
actorrr eekk his so hott (ron ng) lol xD hahaha but yeeeepp i guess im a bit
fob on tat lol but yeeeepp it was prettty muchhh a funn daayyy
and here i am writing this all uppp and im doin my piano h/w
cuz i hav pianoo tomm in the morrniinnnggg soo tiringgg but w/e
piano getz u creditsss =D

majorrr azznn hottieeee<3 (ron ng)
_*Pce outtt<3
Dream onn
today was ok i guess
had social in the morning
so social exam it wasnt
tat hard it was jus hard to
find everything in the book
so some questions i didnt
anwser unfortanelty -sighh-
but yeeeppp tat preettyy much ittt
andd sci we had full period dpa so yeep
pretttyyy fun and i went out to eat w/ carmz
manda and then the way back tomas
was w/ us it was prettyyy raddd
do u noe wat i find stupid?
teacher say u cant use the washroom
in 5th period u should hav went at lunch
but when we come in to go to the bathroomz they
say too bad u cant come in and go pee
lyke omg do they want me to pee in my pantz
or sumthinn? gossshhh.... but yeeeppp
pretty much my day
so i came back home and
as i said their r movies
and i watched this movie called
Go Figure it wass awesomeeee
this gurl tat figure skates and she loves
it but at the same time she starting
to lyke hockey and she has a whole
bunch a friends instead of her old skool
but yeeep the point iss
she lived up her dreamm she alwayz wanted to
be the "best" the "champion" and sheee workked
i meann workeddd verryy hard on itt she had to do hockey
and skating she had no time for her own time and she
had to studdyy hardd for exams but she did it cuz she
knew y she was there for
so my point iss dont jus dream ur dream u
urself is the only person tat can make ur dream
come trueee she worked hard for itt even
tho she had many things and even tho
she did wanted to quit once but she got back up
and was doin it again even tho there were ppl
bullying her and suchhh but yeaaa
alwayz live up ur dream cuz it can happen
u jus hav to work hard for wat u want
cuz if u dont u prob fail ur dream and do
sumthin u never dreamnt abouttt
so go out there achive ur dream step
by step cuz no matter wat the most important
thing is tat u lyke it and ur having fun
cuz if u dont hav those things u shouldd
jus quit now cuz later ur goin hate it even
moreee.... just remember reach out for
ur dream dont jus wait there for sumthing
amazing to happen u cant achive ur dream if
u dont even work for it and if u actually want
tat dream to come true u would work
hard for iittttt
never let go of ur dreaaammmm....
work hard for ittt
reach out for ur dreaammm
dont dream live ittt!!!<3
_*Pce outtt<3
anotherrr day passed byyy
toodaayy i wokee up
so early but i was sooo tired and
took a shower and took the bus to skool
watched the wresting the gr 8 and 9 boyz
itz pretty funni to watch dont noe y jus
amusing lol had sci test today
but it wasnt really tat hard
and itz all help from louise cuz she lyke
helped me study and all lol =D and l.a
we didnt do anythin cuz we were still doin our project and
in health we jus did sum stuff
at lunch me and nikita and erin went out for lunch
came back and jus hangeddd practically
and i told kelsey a secret but it was really
u should go out with camille dont noe if
tat how spell it but yea for sum reason we
were laughin cuz of tat lol but yeeeppp then we had
drama ommggg lol our skit was horrible
it was hilarous and i dont noe y jus was
and the next door class still said they could hear
me and i was actually quiet this drama class lmaoxD
art was pretttyy rad toooo and in gym
i was hyper i dont noe y jus was and i was cheering
4 everyoneeee butt yeepe jus a normal daayyy
after skool tomas clinton and ricchi was waitin 4 their
momz instead of the bus cuz tomas got kiked out
4 the stupiest reason and clint and ricchi jus missed it but it
wass reallyy funn and funnii except this one parttt cuz im
jus scared sumthin might really happen (tatz all u goin to
nooeee) but yeeepp but it wass really funni to hang w/ themm
and such even tho they were makin fun of me of
i wannttt iitttt
lol i alwayz thought they jus said tat
but then i figured out they got it from meee
and i dont even noeee howww... well when
im hyper i do things i dont even remember
doinnn lol xD butt yeeepp
tat pretty much my day o and
i watched this other movie on family
and i jus figured out y they been playin movies
when my fav showes were on cuz they
where stand up showes and they are
amazing no jokkeee but yeeepp
and otmm hav a freakin huge social
examm tommm think im goin faill
goin prayyy too Goddd for helpness
and not be nervous cuz i alwayz get nervous when
i do examz and suchhh but yeeepp im
realllyyy tired havn't had enought sleep
these couple monthss
o welll
_*Pce outt<3
lyke every other dayyy
Today was okkk had cts all dayyy
had to stay in to do the title block
so didnt hav lunchhh =( o well
had a math exaammm and i dont
noe but i hav a feelin i didnt do tat welll
eeeeekkk but yeeep and in social
we were doin prestations and our
group was pretty bad cuz it was boring
and stufff but yeeep and jenny started laughin in
the middle while she was talkin and she couldnt stop
and she couldnt say anythin and i tried to calm her
but u noe how i laugh when ppl start laughin really funny
and for a long time i started laughin and tat part
was jus horrible lol but funnniii lmaooo
yeep then l.a didnt do anythin cuz im in the
"bullettin ppl group" so yeppp then after skool
sumthin bad happened but i dont really
want to tell cuz it bit personal fights ritee
soo yeepp then me and carmz curt nick and michael
jus hanged after skool and curtis kept tieing me and carmz up
with his dog leshh... his dog isss soooo cuttteeee i love him
his name is digger carmz callz him golddigger but yeep lol
then went to the mall to eat cuz i didnt hav lunch
and everythin and then we saw manda crisit
and britt was workin so me manda crisit and carmz hanged
and i was teachin cristi and manda how to use chopstickz
lol it was prettyyy funni lol xD then all of a sudden
manda ask me if i lyke duck skin then i was lyke
watz duck skin yes i noe stupid question then she was lyke
u noe duck and made the funniest loudest duck sounds ever and
we all started laughin it was prettyy sweettt tthen
i went homee and watched this movie on t.v
about twins one gurl and one boy thatz mental issues lyke
mental dieases it was sooo touchin i was seriously cryin
but yeeep it was soo freakin good i really think tat
ppl should watch this movie it was amazinngg
and touchingg
but yeep tat pretty much my daayyyyy
_*Pce outtt
today overall was good
in drama i was laughin so
loud and yea the other class heard
me and mr.rybicky came out is
shush i can only hear ur voice
lol but yeep i got keep it down
cuz i hate my freakin laugh and so
does most ppl soo bllaaah but yeep
it was all good today
but our h/r teacher was being
pretty mean today then other dayzz
thatz pretty much my day jus
went bad when sumone told me
ppl r backstabbing meee
but w/e theirz alwayz sumone
tat talkz behind ur bak and it will
never stop until uu diieee itz the
way off life unfortanelyyy
the blindness title is because i came home
and i didnt noe this was on cuz it said it
should show smart guy 8 simple rules and life with
derak but it was a movie about a blind guy tat went to
a new skool and everyone treated him lyke crap jus
because his blind except 2 ppl i think itz really
sad how ppl are lyke tat y would they make
fun of them instead of helpin them i heard
this i dont noe if it from the bible or from
a precher but it sayz if u help the blind person u give
them clothes u visit them in jail u are helpin jesus ur
giving clothes to jesus ur visitin jesus cuz when u
are helpin sumone ur helpin jesus sumthing lyke tat
it might not be exactly how itz suppose to be
but sorta lyke tat but yeaaa my point is dont treat disable ppl
different we're all human and help them and
dont act lyke u think their a freakk cuz they arnt
there a creation of God and each person that he has made
is beatifully put together
but at the end of the movie everyone treated him lyke one of them
and even said he wasnt blind when a reporter asked
so all went fine at the end but still the blind ppl dont
hav to prove or any disable ppl to prove tat their the same
of anyone one of us
jus remember wat will happen if ur blind and
u were treated lyke tat how would u feel? cuz tatz
how the person tat u treat lyke crap feelz lyke...
we arnt all perfecttt
o and by theee wayy itz
taylor.o b-daayy and on her
locker i totally rote her name rong
_*Pce outt
buzyy dayy
so i woke up about 8:30
getting ready for church and stuff
and i finally came to church about
9:20 and we were choosing parts
for th x-mas play and guess what
i didnt want to do this
but i got mary and i hav the main
role and tat pretty bad cuz im have
big stage fright and another thing
is bad is tat calvin is joeshph and itz
not goin be comfortable but
he prob goin skip all the practices and
things so yeeeppp
then after church service which was pretty
good it talked about drugs and this program to help teenz
or even older it doesnt really matter to get closer
to God and the word of God and also help ur issues and
ur addiction to drugs and many sort of things
after the service me and tanya hanged in chinatown
and chatted and everythin and we saw calvin and
david goin to that anime store thing but i dont think
they saw us and then we both ran back and bumped each other
and started laughin and everythin but
yeeppp good thing we didnt rreally c each other
then i went to eat lunch with my dad went home played bit
of piano took a 10 min nap and went to louise
house for tutoring and she helped me with
gettin notes and helppin me study for
my exams and tests commin up and it was
for lyke 2 hrs and so and i jus came back
and writing everythin downn =)
but yeep the service today sorta touched me
cuz i noe few ppl tat takes drugs and sort of things
but yeppp tat pretty muchh my buzy day
may not sound buzy but trust me it was buzy and
now im jusss sooo freakin tireddd but
still ahv to do hwww waaaaahh
but yeeepp
almost forrgoottt ^.^"
it's andrea'z b-day preettyy radd
_*Pce outt
ehhh another boring day...
another boring dayyy
i guess sat is the most boring
day out of the 7 dayzzz -sigh-
i did lyke nothin today but go
to piano and watch tv and
on comp it wassss horrible
i can't even stand it
but yest was pretty awesommeee
i went to church and did children christmas
operatation and itz for kidz all
over the world doesnt hav enough money
for anythin and it'z lyke a present and it
was pretttyy fun and u feel good after
cuz ur lyke doin a good deed also yest
it was another laugh attack dayyy
when me alision and courtney was doin our
bullentin project and we were the only ppl
in class i had a laugh attack for no reason i
was soo loud i bet everyone can hear me lol
but it aint my fault i get these lol
i was born lyke this lol
soo yeeeppp yestarday was pretty
fun but today it was a draaggggg
well tat alll
_*Pce outt
good to bad to good again
today was ok had options
in the morning and l.a and we didnt do anythin
and in drama i dont noe y but i had
a laugh attack after i said cut their heads
lmao i dont noe y and i couldnt stop laughin
and i seriously was goin pee my pants
i sat down and my other friend tat was
laughin too i asked her if i can go to the washroom
and she was lyke nooo lol xD but good thin
i didnt pee my pants thank god =D
then at lunch i went with nikita and sonia
and bought hot dogs at church and went to
7-11 and these gr 9ners were runnin and they slipped
and fell really funni i noe this is mean but i laughed my
head off when i saw them all slip and fell and so did nikita
and sonia and i couldnt stop talkin agian and guess wat?
i had to go to pee againnn xD i was walkin so weird
cuz i had to go sooo baaddd lmaaooo xD but yeaa
then i had sci math soc and in social me and manda
were hyper again lol xD and we couldnt stop laughin
but this time i didnt need to go to peee and
i poked manda and she was laughin and sayin
dont touch me and i was lyke "i dont touch gurlz i touch
boo.... im not finishin tat sentence it came out ronngg" and then
me and manda were laughin our head off and then when
the class was almost done we went bak to our desks and this is
when things went bad ok my stuff was all thrown the the
floor and jonathan's binder was on my desk and i dont noe
y i did this i guess i was still hyper i threw his binder
on the ground and everythin fell out and i felt so bad
and terrible and i feellttt sooo yuccckkk i said sry
but he probally still pissed at me and everythin
i should really think wat i do before i act or speak
even if im hyper and angry or sumthin and can't think
but yea i feellt sooo baaaddd but then i watched the volley
ball game and of course the vikings wonnn =D
then carmz went to my house and we called her
friend named ian and when he anwsered i said "
is carmela there i mean ian" my accident and me and
carms were laughin and carmz wouldnt talk so he basically
heard silence then i hanged up on him cuz i was laughin
to hard and carmz didnt want to talk to him and
then we called gianni and said stuff and it was sooo
funni i was laughin my head off and so was carmz and
we also called clinton and he didnt anwser so carmz
left a message lmao and it was preettyy funniiii a
also she called joel i ddint talk to him cuz i dont noe
him tat well sooo yeaaa it was preetttyyy funnn tat
was when it turned good again =D but the
bad thin is rite now i dont feel lyke doin my home
work im so tired i jua want to go to sleep im not even kiddin
i havnt gotten tat much sleeep these few months -sigh-
sooo tiiirreedd well tat preettyyy much my good bad good day
the bad thing wasnt the worse thing everythin
but i feeelltt realllyy gross and yuck and eewww and
mean and everythin i feelltt really bad but yeeeppp
life goes onnn dont live ur life with regrets
_*Pce outtt
"why not?"
You Think you're going nowhere
When you're walking down the street
Acting like you just don't care
When life could be so sweet
Why you wanna be like that
As if there's nothing new
You're not fooling no one
You're not even fooling you
So walk a little slower
And open up your eyes
Sometimes it's so hard to see
The good things passing by
There may never be a sign
No flashing neon light
Telling you to make your move
Or when the time is right
(So) Why not
Take a crazy chance
Why not
Do a crazy dance
If you lose a moment
You might lose a lot
So... why not
Why not
Why not take a crazy chance [X2]
You always dress in yellow
When you want to dress in gold
Instead of listening to your heart
You do just what you're told
You keep waiting where you are
For what you'll never know
Let's just get in to your car
And go, baby go
if u didnt already noe it was from hilary duff why not well half of the
song thooi dont lyke hilary duff i must admit but i was listening
to this song and i guess i was thinking why not
why is everyone so scared lyke me we never
take chances or do anythin im not talkin about
everyone but most ppl u wont live 4ever in this world
so take a chance do the things u want to do
stop listening to ppl listen to ur heart wear watever u want
take chances do a crazy dance i dont noe do wat u
alwayz wanted to do cuz u never noe wat happens
try sumthin u alwayz wanted to do be who u are
stop hiddin in ur box get free and let goo lyke in the song
u might lose a moment u can lose alot if ur parents want u
to be a lawyer or sumthin but u want to do a hair stylest
or fashion designer take tat chance u hav only one life
to live the fullest to ur dreams i dont mean bad stuff tho
but do wat u alwayz wanted to do ppl might say ewww i hate
tat shirt and u love it who cares wear it
it's ur choice dont jus stop cuz sumone tells u unless its
somthin lyke stop foolin around in class u have to stop
but why not take chances? why not dye ur hair? why not
go sky diving? cuz u can do watever u want if u set ur foot
on it believe in urself hav faith in urselff...
i admit im the one of those pppl tat dont take chances
and im ashamed... i have only one life and i should live it
to the fullest....
so my question is.....
_*Pce out
another dayyy =)
today was preettyy
good we had social and tomas
and andrea had to present theirs
and it was a movie and it was hiliours
it was so funniii i couldnt even stop laughin
lol xD but yea tat was such a good laugh
i went out for lunch with erin and nikkita and half
with mina but she disappeared at topz lol
so erin bought ice cream and it was
ice frozen it was freakin harrddd!
and we had to finish it all before skool
lol we hate so fast we basically swallowed the ice cream
scoops lol i thought i was goin be sickk but
luckly i didnt =) in the afternoon it
was okkk i guesss and so i pactically sleep during
the science moviieee i really
need to sleeep moree i hav been
sleepin in classes by accident alot
alreaadddyyy ekkkkk and ms.williams told
us her "life time story" but yeaaa everythin
was preetttyyy gooddd todayyy =D
after skool me carmz sarah aka my wiffeeyy lol xD
melissa stayed after skool preettyy awesommeee
dancing to music from melissa's cell lol and then
melissa's bro came (michael) grr sumtimes
he makez me soo maddd but he aint tat bad i guess....
but no one is perfect in this world =) but
yeeepp tatz all tat really happened todaayyy =)
o yeaaa anddd it snowwweeedd isntt it awesommmeee =)
so closeee tooo x-mass i can taste iiittttt heheheh well
not tat close but closssee enough i can jus imagin itttt<3
it's snoowwwinng it's snowwwinngg... well i dont noe if it
still is butttt yeeepp it snowed and it was preettyy sweet<3
_*Pce Out
i dont care anymorree
for:the person tat sended me stupid commentsi dont care wat u say anymore
cuz it doesnt really matter to me
cuz i dont even noe u
so go ahead say w/e u want
cuz u rnt even tough enough
to tell me ur name jus go ahead
keep posting stupid comments up itz jus
goin get deleted so hav fun postin
stupid comments on my blog
and when u ever hav the gutz to
tell me who u are give ur self
a hand on the bak hav fun
dissing meee =)
_*Pce out
*sigh* boring dayyy
today was totally boring nuthin
really happened in class or at lunch
or after skool so preetyyy much
a boring dayyy...
So yea i talked to bridget
and i totally miss her and she
might come visit on friday im
so excited to c her havnt
seen her lyke 4everr!!!
but yeeepp and me and carmz
went to subway after skool cuz we both
didnt hav lunch and i didnt have dinner
as well.
Also tonight i hav the house all
to myslef cuz my parents
went to this chinese comdey
show so they not commin bak until
late so tat meanz i aint havin dinner
againnnn oo welll.... hmm... but my mom
said mayb we hav late dinner at sun's bbq restartant
i think tatz wat it call lol xD but yeaaa i could
be watchin t.v and relax and everythin
but im jus on the comp lyke alwayyyzzzz
bored to death. so nuthin new today or
_*Pce out
Laugh attackzz
preettyy much the same woke up
went to school it was preety good day
had cts (shop) im so scared to use the toolz
cuz i scared sumthin is goin happen lyke kill me
-shivers- o welll i should jus take a deep breathe
before using the tools :D the afternoon
was preettyy awesome. went to topz with
benca cordel paul and spencer and had math
soc and sci and we barely did anythin in class :D
o btw me and my friend amanda cant be together
in one room together for 30 sec cuz we start laughin
about nuthin lmao xD hahaha. Oh and we played 7up in
social and eric told me to laugh beside jonathan while he pickz him and then i
couldnt stop laughin i was seriously goin pee my panz XD
and then me and manda started laughin and a lyke sat beside her and
laughed my head off lol xD i seriously couldnt stop hehehe....
Then me and carmela went to the mall after skool
and we saw manda and we didnt even say anythin we
jus looked at each other and started laughin lol xD
then we jus stood where we were and chilled
and me and manda kept laughin about stuff
lol xD it was pretttyy awesome then Manda had to
go then me and carmela went to the food court
to chill and saw jordan danielle and rachelle and
jus started small talk but they had to go
talk to their "boss" so me and carmz
jus hanged at the food court and saw carmz
sis and she got a new baby phat jacket and
itz sooo nncc!! i soo want itttt >.< lol xD but she look
so gangsta in tat lol xD but yeeep and while we
were waitin for my mom to come carmela was countin how many
sports she does and when she had 3 fingers up she started laughin
about nuthin lol xD she cracks me up lol xD then after she told me she was laughin
cuz she saw how wide he fingers were apart lol a bit crazy lmao xD
but yea then we jus chilled at my house then she left
and here i ammm on the comp writing this all up lol :D
so thatz prettyy much my daaayyy :D Oh wait
cant forget about this it was my
lol xD yeep it was pretttyy awesommmeee :D
how i decorate her locker and it had a sign of
Jesse Is HOT lol jesse wrote tat lol xD but yea
it was pretty rad cuz me and benca did it lol xD
omg i didnt think this would be so long
but one more thing to sayyy
it was
W00T W00TT
HIS 14!!! pretty radd lol xD
_*Pce Out
alwayz there for u
heyy this is mostly for tanya
she had lotz goin on first her friend
passed away and now her uncle is
goin pass away soon and i jus want to say
i will alwayz be there for u
and so is God i jus feel so useless
doin nuthin to help rite now
but i noe she'll make it thro :D
hope she'll be ok
even tho sumone (not mention names)
is bugging her and doesnt even care watz happening
but yea i jus wanted to rite about this
cuz i really want her to make thro this
and i noe itz hard but i noe she can do it :D
but yeaaaa tatz about it
_*Pce out
alwayz there for u and so is God <3
first posttt
ehh jus got this bloggin thing hehe...
still gettin the handle with this i
jus i'm jus a follower lol xD saw ppl
having blog and thought it would be a great thing
to get to put stuff up lol
today was preettyy lame i gueezz i woke up
my stomache was painful but not as
bad as yesturday then i skipped church
:( which sucked cuz i actually really wanted to go
and everythin -sigh- then i jus watch tv relaxing but then
i had piano which was prettyy kewwl
cuz my piano teacher is pretty rad we talk about stuff
and everythin not lyke other students to teacher talkz
about only wat they doin which is sooo boring trust me
so yeaa tatz pretty much my day pretty lame but hey
therez plenty more dayz out there for me to enjoy :D
hmm... gettin hungry i hav to wait until my mom comes back
and she getz off of work lyke late -sigh- o well :D so tat pretty
much wrapz it all up :P
_*Pce outtt